Destiny 2: The Witch Queen – Sound Design

Destiny 2: The Witch Queen Launched this week

This week saw the arrival of the latest Destiny 2 expansion, The Witch Queen, and with it came more sci-fi space sound design than you can shake a stick at! The sound team over at Bungie have always delivered amazing, intricate, hyper-designed sounds for the game series and The Witch Queen is no exception. This video is a goldmine of isolated sounds from the game:

Sound Design Examples from Destiny 2

The game itself has some awesome mainstay sounds that have been consistent throughout the title’s history, however, the great thing about Destiny 2 is getting your guardian’s hands on the latest exotic weapons that arrive with each update and firing/swinging them for the first time. A very exciting experience if you are at all into sound design especially when they are combined with powerful spell sounds, powerups, enemies and not to mention the unsung heroes of the Destiny 2 universe, which are the immersive ambiences heard on each planet.

The entire sound design team contributed lots of different design work, and then we’d create a large pallet of things that we whittle down and combine. Some of that is synthetic elements or crystalline sounds from actual ice recordings — or even Lego bricks moving

Bungie Senior Audio Lead – Evan Buehler

Corey Plante over at has written a fantastic article all about the sound secrets behind the Bungie title, which brought this fantastic short behind the scenes documentary to our attention, from the original 2016 launch of Destiny 2. Watch the video below and read Corey’s article for more intricate details of specific sounds in the latest add-on with Senior Audio Lead, Evan Buehler.

Destiny 2 is Free to Play on PC, PS4, PS5 & Xbox. Destiny 2: The Witch Queen is available to purchase now

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